The new corona rules in Trondheim

After the government introduced its national infection control rules on 3 January, the Trondheim municipality’s own corona regulations were adopted by the presidency today.

These are the regulations that will apply from today until 31 January.

Temporary regulations on infection control measures Trondheim municipality.

Established by Trondheim municipality by the chairmanship pursuant to the Infection Control Act (LOV-1994-08-05-55) § 4-1 first paragraph letter a) cf. the municipality’s delegation regulations section 4.37.

New regulations that replace previous temporary regulations on infection control measures in Trondheim municipality.

§ 1 Purpose

The purpose of the regulations is to establish infection control measures to prevent or limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the population and to ensure the maintenance of sufficient capacity in the health and care service during periods when infection rates nationally or locally are rising or high.

§ 2 Scope

The regulations apply in Trondheim municipality

§ 3 Number limitation in shops and shopping centers

Stores, shopping centers and other outlets must ensure that there are no more people present on the premises than can be kept at least one meter away. The permitted number of customers in the premises shall be calculated on the basis of the size of the premises. If necessary, security shall be carried out to ensure that the requirement is complied with.

§ 4 Public transport and the use of bandages

Passengers in public transport must wear face masks. This also applies to indoor station areas. The obligation to wear a face mask does not apply to children under the age of 12, or persons who for health or other reasons cannot wear a face mask.

§ 5 Mouthpiece in taxi and registration of travelers

Passengers must wear a face mask in a taxi. The mouthpiece must be put on before the passenger gets into the taxi and must not be removed until the journey has ended and the passenger has got out of the taxi. The obligation to wear a face mask applies correspondingly to the driver when there are passengers in the taxi. The obligation to wear a face mask does not apply to children under the age of 12, or persons who for health or other reasons cannot wear a face mask. All taxis must register all customers at each run with name and telephone number.

§6 Duty to use face masks for hairdressing, skin care, tattoo and piercing services, etc.

The duty applies to both employees and customers. Customers can remove the mouthpiece where necessary to perform the treatment.

§7 Duty to use face masks in the public space in general

Mouthpieces shall be used in shops and in the common areas of shopping centers. Mouthpieces must also be worn at restaurants and in religious and philosophical houses, except when sitting at the table / on the square. Mouthpieces are also mandatory in rooms for cultural, training, sports and leisure activities. The obligation to use a bandage does not apply to athletes during the actual cultural or sports activity. The obligation to wear a face mask in the first paragraph applies correspondingly to employees in places where it is not possible to keep at least one meter distance from visitors, cf. the first paragraph. This does not apply to employees in places where other infection control measures have been implemented for the employees, such as the use of visors, partitions and the like. in accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health. The obligation to wear a face mask does not apply to children under the age of 12, or to those who for health or other reasons cannot wear a face mask.

§8 Home office and meeting activities

Employers must ensure that employees work from home as far as is practically possible and appropriate for carrying out the work. Employers must be able to document that employees have been informed of how this is to be carried out in the company. In other respects, national rules and guidelines on infection control in workplaces apply.

§ 9 Serving and pubs

Catering and pubs in Trondheim municipality can stay open if they meet the requirements for proper operation of restaurants that follow from regulations of 27 March 2020 no. 470 on infection control measures etc. at the corona eruption (covid-19 regulation). All restaurants and bars must register all individual customers on arrival. The Municipality of Trondheim may close those restaurants and bars that do not comply with the requirements for infection control-sound operation and the requirements in this provision, cf. the Infection Control Act § 4-1 third paragraph.

§ 10 Restriction in social contacts

Social contacts in addition to one’s own household and contacts in work situations shall be limited to 10 per week. By 10 social contacts is meant contacts in total for all household members in addition to contacts in kindergarten, school and work.

§ 11 Distance requirements for private gyms, physical institutes etc.

Private gyms, physical institutes, etc. can stay open if it is ensured that at least 2 meters distance is observed between the visitors who engage in physical activity.

§ 12 Leisure culture activities indoors

Leisure culture activities are canceled until 18.01.2021. This also applies to all indoor activities that bring children and young people together across classes / cohorts. Exceptions are made for the cultural school’s teaching and the offer in leisure clubs for children and young people with special needs.

§ 13 Sports halls

Sports halls will be closed until 18.01.2021, except for top sports.

§ 14 Liability

Trondheim Municipality does not assume financial responsibility as a result of imposed measures.

§ 15 Exemption

The municipal superior may in special cases dispense with the regulations.

§ 16 Punishment

Intentional or negligent violation of provisions in these regulations is punishable by fines or imprisonment for up to 6 months, cf. Infection Control Act § 8-1.

§17 Entry into force, duration and change

The regulations enter into force immediately after announcement and up to and including 31.1.2021 with the exception of §§ 11 and 12. The municipality may extend, repeal and amend the regulations.

Forfatter: almasrental

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