Overview of national measures from January 2021

Here is an overview of the strengthened national infection control measures that currently apply until 18 January. These are national measures that apply to everyone. Check your municipality’s website for local measures.

Avoid all unnecessary travel at home and abroad. Domestic cabin stays with people from the same household are not recommended, but follow the local advice and rules that apply.

Arrival Norway
All travelers to Norway are obliged to test for covid-19 as soon as possible, no later than one day after arrival.

All arrivals must be quarantined for ten days.

Possible to go out of quarantine after day seven at the earliest if the passenger tests negative for covid-19 twice after arrival.

Foreign travelers must also present a negative test taken less than 72 hours before entering Norway.

Persons who do not have a permanent home (rented or owned) or a suitable quarantine place through an employer and client in Norway, must stay in a quarantine hotel.

(Some groups have exceptions to these rules, such as socially critical personnel and children under 12 years of age).

Social contact
Avoid having guests in your home until January 18th.

Exceptions for necessary home services and visits to people who are in the last phase of life.

Single people can be visited by or visit one or two regular friends or one permanent household.

Children in the same cohort in kindergarten or primary school can meet.

Events are recommended to be postponed until after 18 January.

Rules if an event must still be held:

A maximum of five people, or all in the same household, at private gatherings outside the home, such as a birthday party in a rented room. Exceptions for children in the same cohort.

Maximum ten people at an indoor event, still 200 people where everyone in the audience sits in fixed seats.

Maximum 50 people at funerals / funerals, even if the seats are not fixed.

Maximum 200 people at outdoor events, still 600 people where everyone in the audience sits in fixed seats.

Higher education, schools and kindergartens
All teaching and all planned events at universities, colleges and vocational colleges will go digital until 18 January.

All the country’s upper secondary schools and secondary schools are moving to the red level.

Home office for anyone who has the opportunity to do so.

Sports and leisure activities
All organized leisure activities and sports activities are recommended to be postponed until after 18 January.

Top sports and other events with the exception of distance requirements and without the public are not included.

Outdoor activities are carried out so that it is possible to keep a good distance.

Restaurants, cafes, bars
National ban on serving alcohol at restaurants and events. Contact information must be registered for those guests who agree to it.

All shopping centers and shops should introduce number restrictions and access control so that it is possible to keep your distance and have access control.

Forfatter: almasrental

Your home away from home

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