Mouthpiece order

  1. Indoors in public spaces such as shops, common areas in shopping malls, in restaurants with and without a liquor license except when sitting at the table. Applies to both employees and guests.
  2. In hairdressing and beauty salons and other businesses with one-on-one contact such as. offers skin care, tattoos, piercing and other activities covered by regulation 6 May 1998 no. 581 on hygiene requirements for hairdressing, skin care, tattoo and piercing activities, etc. (hygiene regulations) hygiene regulations. Applies to both employee and customer.
  3. Religious and philosophical premises
  4. Premises for cultural, sports, fitness and leisure activities, for example in cinemas or in sports halls. For the athletes, this does not apply during the actual cultural / sports activity.
  5. Outdoors in densely populated areas (such as Christmas market)
  6. Driving schools and other driver training. Applies to both employees and students
  7. Waiting room for doctors, dentists and other health professionals
  8. Common areas in public buildings open to the public

The order applies to the entire population born before 2008, except for people who for health or other reasons cannot wear face masks.

The order does not apply to students and staff in schools, after-school clubs and kindergartens. When picking up and bringing to daycare, exceptions are made for the use of face masks to prevent insecurity in children.

Forfatter: almasrental

Your home away from home

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